We are ECHS


Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now available to download! Check out the Prospective Students tab for more information!



Early College High School has an emergency preparedness plan that can be found here

This letter outlines what the procedures are in the event of an emergency.  



     SUBJECT                                      TEACHER                                                     DAYS                                                             TIMES
                                    Math                                            Mrs. Huckabee                                      Tuesday/Wednesday                        3:00-4:00 (or by appointment) 
                            Math                                        Mrs. O'Dwyer                                            Monday-Friday                                      2:45 - 3:30 or Lunch

 Hall20241          taylor20241          curtis20241                              Principal                                  Counselor                                     Secretary 
Mrs. Hall                            Ms. Taylor                              Mrs. Curtis

Tutors Needed
Click on the link below for an application
Tutor Application.doc


On Friday, October 42024 five students from our FFA Chapter competed in the first annual NMSU Public Speaking & Agriscience Competition at the Eastern New Mexico State Fair. 

These students include from left to right:
Vivi(11) Jeremiah (11) Mohammed (11) Kiara (11) Yadira (12). 
Vivi, Mohammed, & Yadira made it to the final round of speeches and Mohammed won the Reserve Champion public speaker and won a belt buckle and a $500 scholarship to NMSU.  For Agriscience Kiara & Mohammed won 1
st place and both received a belt buckle and each a $500 scholarship to NMSU. 
💛 ðŸ’™

Click on the link below to access the ENMU-R Dual Credit Enrollment form Fillable PDF

Here is a video link from Allied Health Careers Pathway .
Click here

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